This Issue: 1. icon new single news + interview + sneak preview !!!! 2. Tony the White in after-show scandal !!!!! 3. Plastic Dog album delay 4. Latest live reviews from the around the capital 5. New band of the month - Crush
Tony the White, the notorious North London trio has caused more mayhem at their latest show at the Middlesex University Hall. The show was played in front of a packed house but the trouble occurred later when some fans tried to enter the dressing room minutes after the end of the set. In an apparent fit of rage, rumoured to be due to technical problems, the singer hurled a plastic chair at the fans . The other two members apparently moved to restrain the singer who has previous convictions for alcohol related offences. It was not long before the venue security became involved and police had to be called. A band spokesman refused to comment on the fracas , saying that a statement would be made once all of the people involved had made their statements to the police.
Plastic Dog have again had to delay the release of the much-awaited 2nd album. The original date was intended to be the 1st July but the band's record company, Fierce Panda, released a statement saying that owing to studio difficulties, the album would more than likely be released in the last week of August or the first week in September. The band will continue to play more shows around London while the recording is finished. Singer Fabien Guyon was quoted at a recent show as saying that the new album was much harder and faster than the first and in a blatant attempt to define a new genre described it as "new wave of new wave of new wave". Critics described the first album as a buzzcocks tribute LP.
Crush obviously not to famous for the bus
Move over Hepburn, London's all new girlband, Crush, are the latest feminine act to make waves in the Capital. The girls, all in their early twenties are keen to distance themselves from Hepburn but nonetheless see themselves as closer in spirit to them as opposed to the likes of the Spice Girls or All Saints. "Our music is more rock-based , and not really pop as such" explains drummer Andreea. The band has attracted interest from both major as well as indie labels but the band themselves are more concerned with playing more gigs and building up a larger live following. "Signing a deal would be great but its not really something that is on our minds at the moment" admits the lead singer Val.
Plastic dog lead singer Fabien warms up before a show.
Icon have released their long-awaited debut single, Bedroom Boys. It will be available on various formats from most record stores in London. The single , a glam-pop anthem will be familiar to those who have seen the band live over the last year and retains the snarling attitude that the live version possesses. The song was always identified as the debut single by both the band and its close fans . The b-sides will be Please Leave and If the Earth Stood Still, the latter never having been played live. This is the bands first release aside from last years compilation, London Alive, an album put together from up and coming London bands, and including the now famous Gay Dad, as well as Rachel Stamp and The Hangovers. Icon have only been together for one year but have gained a large live following even though they do not play as regularly as some other bands in the same position. They have been described as a cross between Suede, Bowie and Placebo. When we called them up last week, singer Rohan was on hand to answer our questions and you can see the results of this interview at the foot of this story. They will be officially releasing the single at their gig next week (7th July) at the Camden Falcon and will be supported by Tiny Too.
Bedroom Boys single art and for those with an MP3 player, there is a preview of the song.
London Calling: How did the band form ? Rohan: Well, I had been writing by myself for a few years but just got to the point where I had to get a band to get anywhere so I managed to get some people together. LC: What's more important for you, recording or playing live ? R: Technically at the moment, playing live is kind of more important but having said that most of the songs come from an environment close to a studio so without that there would be no gigs. I don't know, I prefer recording, cause less can go wrong and if it does you just do it again. LC: Are the songs written democratically ? R: The songs are democratically written all by me (laughter) LC: So it is sort of like the Oasis situation then ? R: Who are Oasis ? LC: Nevermind, when do you know you have 'made it' and do you think you have yet ? R. I have no idea because I don't think we have 'made it' yet. Probably when you release 5 singles and they all go to number one first week in I would imagine. LC: What are your influences ? R. Well some of the band vary a bit. I wouldn't necessarily like to say because it becomes a ball that you have to drag around behind you. Most people can make up their own minds. LC: What is your response then when people say you sound too much like suede or bowie ? R: What do I say ? I say piss off LC: Is their a great rivalry between you and other bands in London or do you help each other out ? R:There is rivalry between all bands I guess but some are nicer than others so I guess you would help out those nice ones. The music industry gets itself into a spin when it tries to pretend it's a sporting competition. LC: Is the music industry dead in the UK ? R: No, if it was dead, there would be no bands anywhere and no record companies and no gigs with UK bands and unless I'm mistaken, this isn't the case.